Tutorials on pyAgrum
Exact and Approximated Inference
Learning Bayesian networks
Different Graphical Models
Bayesian networks as scikit-learn compliant classifiers
Causal Bayesian Networks
pyAgrum’s (experimental) models
pyAgrum’s specific features
Kaggle Titanic
Naive modeling of credit defaults using a Markov Random Field
Learning and causality
Sensitivity analysis for Bayesian networks using credal networks
Quasi-continuous BN
Parameter learning with Pandas
Bayesian Beta Distributed Coin Inference
ACE estimations from real observational data
interactive notebooks
Examples from ‘The Book of Why’ (J. Pearl, 2018)
MiniTuring (p46)
Smallpox Paradox (p50)
Where is my Bag ? (p115)
Walking Example (p135)
Back-Door Criterion (p150)
Smoking (chapter 5)
Monty Hall Problem (p178)
Do-Calculus (p213)
The Curious Case(s) For Dr. Snow (p224)
Good and Bas Cholesterol (p229)
The Effect of Education and Experience on Salary (p251)