ACE estimations from real observational data

This notebook serves as a demonstration of the CausalEffectEstimation module for estimating causal effects on both generated and real datasets.

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In [1]:
import pyAgrum as gum
import pyAgrum.lib.discretizer as disc
import pyAgrum.lib.notebook as gnb
import pyAgrum.lib.explain as gexpl

import pyAgrum.causal as csl
import pyAgrum.causal.notebook as cslnb

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In this example, we show how to estimate the ACE (Average Causal Effect) using real data that does not adhere to RCT conditions.


The dataset under consideration is the Census Adult Income dataset. The objective of this analysis is to determine whether possessing a graduate degree increases the likelihood of earning an income exceeding $50,000 per year.

In [2]:
df = pd.read_pickle("./res/df_causal_discovery.p")
df = df.rename(columns={"hours-per-week": "hoursPerWeek"})
age hoursPerWeek hasGraduateDegree inRelationship isWhite isFemale greaterThan50k
count 29170.000000 29170.000000 29170.000000 29170.000000 29170.000000 29170.000000 29170.000000
mean 38.655674 40.447755 0.052348 0.406616 0.878334 0.331916 0.245835
std 13.722408 12.417203 0.222732 0.491211 0.326905 0.470909 0.430588
min 17.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 28.000000 40.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
50% 37.000000 40.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
75% 48.000000 45.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000
max 90.000000 99.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000


We begin by focusing exclusively on the age covariate to inform our estimations. We hypothesize that age is a causal factor influencing both the hasGraduateDegree variable and the greaterThan50k outcome.

In [3]:
discretizer = disc.Discretizer(defaultDiscretizationMethod="NoDiscretization", defaultNumberOfBins=None)
template = discretizer.discretizedTemplate(df[["age", "hasGraduateDegree", "greaterThan50k"]])
template.addArcs([("age","hasGraduateDegree"), ("age", "greaterThan50k"), ("hasGraduateDegree", "greaterThan50k")])

causal_model = csl.CausalModel(template)

cslnb.showCausalModel(causal_model, size="50")
In [4]:
T = "hasGraduateDegree"
Y = "greaterThan50k"
X = "age"
In [5]:
cee = csl.CausalEffectEstimation(df, causal_model)

Causal Identification

In [6]:
cee.identifyAdjustmentSet(intervention=T, outcome=Y)
Backdoor adjustment found.

Supported estimators include:
- CausalModelEstimator
- SLearner
- TLearner
- XLearner
- PStratification

Causal Estimation

In [7]:
tau_hat = cee.estimateCausalEffect()

print(f"ACE = {tau_hat}")
ACE = 0.2332334047559898
In [8]:
tau_hat = cee.estimateCausalEffect()

print(f"ACE = {tau_hat}")
ACE = 0.29760513570330327
In [9]:
tau_hat = cee.estimateCausalEffect()

print(f"ACE = {tau_hat}")
ACE = 0.2903849161738249

Incorporating covariates and Unknown Adjustment

Let’s examine whether incorporating all available covariates influences the estimation of the ACE. We will employ structure learning techniques to determine the DAG that the algorithm identifies from the data.

In [10]:
discretizer = disc.Discretizer(defaultNumberOfBins=5, defaultDiscretizationMethod="uniform")
template = discretizer.discretizedTemplate(df)
In [26]:
structure_learner = gum.BNLearner(df, template)
# we help the learning algorithm by giving it some causal constraints

learned_bn = structure_learner.learnBN()

causal_model = csl.CausalModel(learned_bn)
In [27]:
gnb.sideBySide(gexpl.getInformation(learned_bn, size="50"))
G isWhite isWhite inRelationship inRelationship isWhite->inRelationship hoursPerWeek hoursPerWeek isWhite->hoursPerWeek greaterThan50k greaterThan50k isWhite->greaterThan50k inRelationship->hoursPerWeek inRelationship->greaterThan50k age age age->inRelationship age->hoursPerWeek age->greaterThan50k hasGraduateDegree hasGraduateDegree age->hasGraduateDegree greaterThan50k->hoursPerWeek isFemale isFemale isFemale->inRelationship isFemale->hoursPerWeek hasGraduateDegree->greaterThan50k
In [13]:
cee = csl.CausalEffectEstimation(df, causal_model)
In [14]:
cee.identifyAdjustmentSet(intervention=T, outcome=Y)
No adjustment set found among: RCT, Backdoor, Generalized Frontdoor, or Generalized IV.

The only supported estimator without a known adjustment is the Causal Bayesian Network Estimator, which can estimate the causal effect if identifiable using do-Calculus.
Use `.fitCausalBNEstimator()` to apply this estimator.

In this scenario, no adjustment set is available for causal inference:

  • This is not a randomized controlled trial (RCT) due to the presence of a backdoor path from hasGraduateDegree to greaterThan50k, which traverses through age and inRelationship.

  • The backdoor criterion is not met, as every node is a descendant of the intervention variable hasGraduateDegree.

  • The (Generalized) Frontdoor criterion is not applicable due to the absence of mediator variables.

  • There are no (Generalized) Instrumental Variables, as hasGraduateDegree lacks any ancestors in the causal graph.

Consequently, the causal effect can only be estimated using the CausalBNEstimator, provided that the causal effect of the intervention on the outcome is identifiable through do-calculus.

In [15]:
tau_hat = cee.estimateCausalEffect()

print(f"ACE = {tau_hat}")
ACE = 0.3252070276527865

We observe a stronger Causal Effect within the previously defined causal structure.

User specified adjustment

Alternatively, it is possible to manually specify an adjustment set. However, it is important to note that this approach does not guarantee an asymptotically unbiased estimator.

In [16]:
cee.useBackdoorAdjustment(T, Y, {"age", "inRelationship"})
In [17]:
tau_hat = cee.estimateCausalEffect()

print(f"ACE = {tau_hat}")
ACE = 0.28604936465903796
In [18]:
tau_hat = cee.estimateCausalEffect()

print(f"ACE = {tau_hat}")
ACE = 0.2749304594008817
In [19]:
tau_hat = cee.estimateCausalEffect()

print(f"ACE = {tau_hat}")
ACE = 0.2713082028700569

We obtain more consistent results when specifying the backdoor adjustment using a selected subset of covariates.

CACE estimations

To estimate the Conditional Average Causal Effect (CACE) using CausalEffectEstimation, pandas query strings can be utilized to specify the relevant conditions. Additionally, the Individual Causal Effect (ICE) can be estimated by providing a pandas.DataFrame containing the features of the individual units.

In [20]:
tau_hat0 = cee.estimateCausalEffect(conditional="inRelationship == 0")
tau_hat1 = cee.estimateCausalEffect(conditional="inRelationship == 1")

print(f"CACE (inRelationship == 0) = {tau_hat0}")
print(f"CACE (inRelationship == 1) = {tau_hat1}")
CACE (inRelationship == 0) = 0.22769492525674231
CACE (inRelationship == 1) = 0.3438622409117921
In [21]:
tau_hat0 = cee.estimateCausalEffect(conditional="isFemale == 0")
tau_hat1 = cee.estimateCausalEffect(conditional="isFemale == 1")

print(f"CACE (isFemale == 0) = {tau_hat0}")
print(f"CACE (isFemale == 1) = {tau_hat1}")
CACE (isFemale == 0) = 0.2983895058122191
CACE (isFemale == 1) = 0.22771192020813813
In [22]:
changes = sorted(df["age"].unique())
booking = list()

for i in changes:
    tau_hat = cee.estimateCausalEffect(conditional=f"age <= {i}")

plt.plot(changes, booking)
plt.title("CACE with \n(age <= x) as Conditional")
In [23]:
changes = sorted(df["hoursPerWeek"].unique())
booking = list()

for i in changes:
    tau_hat = cee.estimateCausalEffect(conditional=f"hoursPerWeek <= {i}")

plt.plot(changes, booking)
plt.title("CACE with \n(hoursPerWeek <= x) as Conditional")