:the configuration object for pyAgrum
In [1]:
import pyAgrum as gum
default_maxnumberofthreads = 24
potential_visible_digits = 4
potential_with_colors = True
potential_color_0 = #FF7F64
potential_color_1 = #7FFF64
potential_with_fraction = False
potential_fraction_limit = 50
potential_fraction_round_error = 1e-6
potential_fraction_with_latex = True
histogram_horizontal_visible_digits = 2
histogram_vertical_visible_digits = 2
histogram_horizontal_threshold = 8
histogram_line_threshold = 40
histogram_color = darkseagreen
histogram_edge_color = darkgreen
histogram_use_percent = True
histogram_discretized_visualisation = histogram
histogram_discretized_scale = 1.0
histogram_mode = compact
histogram_epsilon = 1e-8
potential_parent_values = merge
figure_facecolor = #E0E0E0
flow_background_color = transparent
flow_border_color = transparent
flow_border_width = 0
graph_format = svg
show_inference_time = True
default_arc_color = #4A4A4A
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
evidence_bgcolor = sandybrown
evidence_fgcolor = black
default_node_cmap = Pastel1
default_arc_cmap = BuGn
default_edge_cmap = BuGn
default_graph_size = 5
default_graph_inference_size = 8
graph_rankdir = TB
graph_layout = dot
default_markovrandomfield_view = factorgraph
junctiontree_graph_size = 10
junctiontree_with_names = True
junctiontree_separator_bgcolor = palegreen
junctiontree_separator_fgcolor = black
junctiontree_separator_fontsize = 8
junctiontree_clique_bgcolor = burlywood
junctiontree_clique_fgcolor = black
junctiontree_clique_fontsize = 10
junctiontree_map_cliquescale = 0.3
junctiontree_map_sepscale = 0.1
junctiontree_map_edgelen = 1
junctiontree_map_size = 10
graphdiff_missing_style = dashed
graphdiff_missing_color = red
graphdiff_overflow_style = dashed
graphdiff_overflow_color = purple
graphdiff_reversed_style = solid
graphdiff_reversed_color = purple
graphdiff_correct_style = solid
graphdiff_correct_color = grey
allow_modification_when_saving = False
default_node_bgcolor = coral
default_node_fgcolor = black
default_factor_bgcolor = burlywood
edge_length = 0.7
edge_length_inference = 0.9
graph_layout = neato
default_graph_size = 6
default_graph_size = 6
default_chance_bgcolor = #808080
default_chance_fgcolor = white
default_utility_bgcolor = #50508A
default_utility_fgcolor = white
default_decision_bgcolor = #9A5050
default_decision_fgcolor = white
chance_shape = ellipse
utility_shape = hexagon
decision_shape = box
decision_arc_style = tapered, bold, dotted
utility_arc_style = dashed
default_id_size = 6
default_id_inference_size = 6
utility_visible_digits = 2
utility_show_stdev = True
utility_show_loss = False
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
histo_max_color = #BBFFAA
show_latent_names = False
latex_do_prefix = \text{do}(
latex_do_suffix = )
default_graph_size = 2.5
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_latent_bgcolor = #A08080
default_latent_fgcolor = black
draw_color = #008800
fill_color = #AAEEAA
show_latent_names = False
default_graph_size = 2.5
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_latent_bgcolor = #A08080
default_latent_fgcolor = black
default_graph_size = 5
default_line_size = 1.0
default_head_size = 0.25
default_arrow_type = normal
default_arc_cmap = Greens
default_arc_color = #4A4A4A
default_arc_style = solid
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_layout = fdp
default_overlap = 0
default_bar_capsize = 1.5
default_bar_height = 0.8
default_boot_histo_scale = 2.0
default_histo_scale = 1.0
correct_arc_style = solid
correct_arc_color = green
incorrect_arc_style = dashed
incorrect_arc_color = green
left_quantile = 0.2
right_quantile = 0.8
add_version = True
add_date = True
As far as it can be done with Python, gum.config
is a singleton. The configuration is a mix between the defaults (which exactly define the possible section
and property
) and a file pyagrum.ini
(if present in the current folder) that contains only the changed properties.
and key
are case insensitive.
constantly keeps track of the differences between defaults and actual values :
In [2]:
print("Configuration only for the current session")
Configuration only for the current session
default_graph_size = 10
In [3]:
# if there is a local modification, __repr__ shows only the diff other wise it show all properties
default_graph_size = 10
In [4]:
# __str__ shows all the properties
default_maxnumberofthreads = 24
potential_visible_digits = 4
potential_with_colors = True
potential_color_0 = #FF7F64
potential_color_1 = #7FFF64
potential_with_fraction = False
potential_fraction_limit = 50
potential_fraction_round_error = 1e-6
potential_fraction_with_latex = True
histogram_horizontal_visible_digits = 2
histogram_vertical_visible_digits = 2
histogram_horizontal_threshold = 8
histogram_line_threshold = 40
histogram_color = darkseagreen
histogram_edge_color = darkgreen
histogram_use_percent = True
histogram_discretized_visualisation = histogram
histogram_discretized_scale = 1.0
histogram_mode = compact
histogram_epsilon = 1e-8
potential_parent_values = merge
figure_facecolor = #E0E0E0
flow_background_color = transparent
flow_border_color = transparent
flow_border_width = 0
graph_format = svg
show_inference_time = True
default_arc_color = #4A4A4A
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
evidence_bgcolor = sandybrown
evidence_fgcolor = black
default_node_cmap = Pastel1
default_arc_cmap = BuGn
default_edge_cmap = BuGn
default_graph_size = 5
default_graph_inference_size = 8
graph_rankdir = TB
graph_layout = dot
default_markovrandomfield_view = factorgraph
junctiontree_graph_size = 10
junctiontree_with_names = True
junctiontree_separator_bgcolor = palegreen
junctiontree_separator_fgcolor = black
junctiontree_separator_fontsize = 8
junctiontree_clique_bgcolor = burlywood
junctiontree_clique_fgcolor = black
junctiontree_clique_fontsize = 10
junctiontree_map_cliquescale = 0.3
junctiontree_map_sepscale = 0.1
junctiontree_map_edgelen = 1
junctiontree_map_size = 10
graphdiff_missing_style = dashed
graphdiff_missing_color = red
graphdiff_overflow_style = dashed
graphdiff_overflow_color = purple
graphdiff_reversed_style = solid
graphdiff_reversed_color = purple
graphdiff_correct_style = solid
graphdiff_correct_color = grey
allow_modification_when_saving = False
default_node_bgcolor = coral
default_node_fgcolor = black
default_factor_bgcolor = burlywood
edge_length = 0.7
edge_length_inference = 0.9
graph_layout = neato
default_graph_size = 10
default_graph_size = 6
default_chance_bgcolor = #808080
default_chance_fgcolor = white
default_utility_bgcolor = #50508A
default_utility_fgcolor = white
default_decision_bgcolor = #9A5050
default_decision_fgcolor = white
chance_shape = ellipse
utility_shape = hexagon
decision_shape = box
decision_arc_style = tapered, bold, dotted
utility_arc_style = dashed
default_id_size = 6
default_id_inference_size = 6
utility_visible_digits = 2
utility_show_stdev = True
utility_show_loss = False
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
histo_max_color = #BBFFAA
show_latent_names = False
latex_do_prefix = \text{do}(
latex_do_suffix = )
default_graph_size = 2.5
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_latent_bgcolor = #A08080
default_latent_fgcolor = black
draw_color = #008800
fill_color = #AAEEAA
show_latent_names = False
default_graph_size = 2.5
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_latent_bgcolor = #A08080
default_latent_fgcolor = black
default_graph_size = 5
default_line_size = 1.0
default_head_size = 0.25
default_arrow_type = normal
default_arc_cmap = Greens
default_arc_color = #4A4A4A
default_arc_style = solid
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_layout = fdp
default_overlap = 0
default_bar_capsize = 1.5
default_bar_height = 0.8
default_boot_histo_scale = 2.0
default_histo_scale = 1.0
correct_arc_style = solid
correct_arc_color = green
incorrect_arc_style = dashed
incorrect_arc_color = green
left_quantile = 0.2
right_quantile = 0.8
add_version = True
add_date = True
In [5]:
In [6]:
In [7]:
gum.config # once again, only the diff with defaults
evidence_bgcolor = papayawhip
default_graph_size = 10
default_graph_size = 1.9
constant structure, mutable content
The structure section.key
is fixed by default and readonly : one can only change the value of an existing property
In [8]:
except SyntaxError as e:
print("Syntax error : {}".format(e.msg))
Syntax error : Section 'AAA' unknown in pyAgrum configuration.
In [9]:
except SyntaxError as e:
print("Syntax error : {}".format(e.msg))
Syntax error : Key 'causal,OOO' unknown in pyAgrum configuration.
properties as string
All the properties are stored as string !
In [10]:
In [11]:
… but can be typed using asInt, asFloat, asBool
In [12]:
In [13]:
In [14]:
<class 'str'>
<class 'int'>
In [15]:
if gum.config["causal","show_latent_names"]=="False":
print("not very convenient test")
if not gum.config.asBool["causal","show_latent_names"]:
print("better test")
not very convenient test
better test
Reset, reload, save
The configuration can be saved in the current folder (
The configuration can be restored from the default (reset) or the current saved state (reload).
In [16]:
gum.config.reset() # back to defaults
gum.config # no diff => shows all the properties
# no customized property
default_maxnumberofthreads = 24
potential_visible_digits = 4
potential_with_colors = True
potential_color_0 = #FF7F64
potential_color_1 = #7FFF64
potential_with_fraction = False
potential_fraction_limit = 50
potential_fraction_round_error = 1e-6
potential_fraction_with_latex = True
histogram_horizontal_visible_digits = 2
histogram_vertical_visible_digits = 2
histogram_horizontal_threshold = 8
histogram_line_threshold = 40
histogram_color = darkseagreen
histogram_edge_color = darkgreen
histogram_use_percent = True
histogram_discretized_visualisation = histogram
histogram_discretized_scale = 1.0
histogram_mode = compact
histogram_epsilon = 1e-8
potential_parent_values = merge
figure_facecolor = #E0E0E0
flow_background_color = transparent
flow_border_color = transparent
flow_border_width = 0
graph_format = svg
show_inference_time = True
default_arc_color = #4A4A4A
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
evidence_bgcolor = sandybrown
evidence_fgcolor = black
default_node_cmap = Pastel1
default_arc_cmap = BuGn
default_edge_cmap = BuGn
default_graph_size = 5
default_graph_inference_size = 8
graph_rankdir = TB
graph_layout = dot
default_markovrandomfield_view = factorgraph
junctiontree_graph_size = 10
junctiontree_with_names = True
junctiontree_separator_bgcolor = palegreen
junctiontree_separator_fgcolor = black
junctiontree_separator_fontsize = 8
junctiontree_clique_bgcolor = burlywood
junctiontree_clique_fgcolor = black
junctiontree_clique_fontsize = 10
junctiontree_map_cliquescale = 0.3
junctiontree_map_sepscale = 0.1
junctiontree_map_edgelen = 1
junctiontree_map_size = 10
graphdiff_missing_style = dashed
graphdiff_missing_color = red
graphdiff_overflow_style = dashed
graphdiff_overflow_color = purple
graphdiff_reversed_style = solid
graphdiff_reversed_color = purple
graphdiff_correct_style = solid
graphdiff_correct_color = grey
allow_modification_when_saving = False
default_node_bgcolor = coral
default_node_fgcolor = black
default_factor_bgcolor = burlywood
edge_length = 0.7
edge_length_inference = 0.9
graph_layout = neato
default_graph_size = 6
default_graph_size = 6
default_chance_bgcolor = #808080
default_chance_fgcolor = white
default_utility_bgcolor = #50508A
default_utility_fgcolor = white
default_decision_bgcolor = #9A5050
default_decision_fgcolor = white
chance_shape = ellipse
utility_shape = hexagon
decision_shape = box
decision_arc_style = tapered, bold, dotted
utility_arc_style = dashed
default_id_size = 6
default_id_inference_size = 6
utility_visible_digits = 2
utility_show_stdev = True
utility_show_loss = False
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
histo_max_color = #BBFFAA
show_latent_names = False
latex_do_prefix = \text{do}(
latex_do_suffix = )
default_graph_size = 2.5
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_latent_bgcolor = #A08080
default_latent_fgcolor = black
draw_color = #008800
fill_color = #AAEEAA
show_latent_names = False
default_graph_size = 2.5
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_latent_bgcolor = #A08080
default_latent_fgcolor = black
default_graph_size = 5
default_line_size = 1.0
default_head_size = 0.25
default_arrow_type = normal
default_arc_cmap = Greens
default_arc_color = #4A4A4A
default_arc_style = solid
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_layout = fdp
default_overlap = 0
default_bar_capsize = 1.5
default_bar_height = 0.8
default_boot_histo_scale = 2.0
default_histo_scale = 1.0
correct_arc_style = solid
correct_arc_color = green
incorrect_arc_style = dashed
incorrect_arc_color = green
left_quantile = 0.2
right_quantile = 0.8
add_version = True
add_date = True
In [17]:
gum.config.load() # reload pyagrum.ini
except FileNotFoundError:
pass # no pyagrum.ini in the folder
# no customized property
default_maxnumberofthreads = 24
potential_visible_digits = 4
potential_with_colors = True
potential_color_0 = #FF7F64
potential_color_1 = #7FFF64
potential_with_fraction = False
potential_fraction_limit = 50
potential_fraction_round_error = 1e-6
potential_fraction_with_latex = True
histogram_horizontal_visible_digits = 2
histogram_vertical_visible_digits = 2
histogram_horizontal_threshold = 8
histogram_line_threshold = 40
histogram_color = darkseagreen
histogram_edge_color = darkgreen
histogram_use_percent = True
histogram_discretized_visualisation = histogram
histogram_discretized_scale = 1.0
histogram_mode = compact
histogram_epsilon = 1e-8
potential_parent_values = merge
figure_facecolor = #E0E0E0
flow_background_color = transparent
flow_border_color = transparent
flow_border_width = 0
graph_format = svg
show_inference_time = True
default_arc_color = #4A4A4A
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
evidence_bgcolor = sandybrown
evidence_fgcolor = black
default_node_cmap = Pastel1
default_arc_cmap = BuGn
default_edge_cmap = BuGn
default_graph_size = 5
default_graph_inference_size = 8
graph_rankdir = TB
graph_layout = dot
default_markovrandomfield_view = factorgraph
junctiontree_graph_size = 10
junctiontree_with_names = True
junctiontree_separator_bgcolor = palegreen
junctiontree_separator_fgcolor = black
junctiontree_separator_fontsize = 8
junctiontree_clique_bgcolor = burlywood
junctiontree_clique_fgcolor = black
junctiontree_clique_fontsize = 10
junctiontree_map_cliquescale = 0.3
junctiontree_map_sepscale = 0.1
junctiontree_map_edgelen = 1
junctiontree_map_size = 10
graphdiff_missing_style = dashed
graphdiff_missing_color = red
graphdiff_overflow_style = dashed
graphdiff_overflow_color = purple
graphdiff_reversed_style = solid
graphdiff_reversed_color = purple
graphdiff_correct_style = solid
graphdiff_correct_color = grey
allow_modification_when_saving = False
default_node_bgcolor = coral
default_node_fgcolor = black
default_factor_bgcolor = burlywood
edge_length = 0.7
edge_length_inference = 0.9
graph_layout = neato
default_graph_size = 6
default_graph_size = 6
default_chance_bgcolor = #808080
default_chance_fgcolor = white
default_utility_bgcolor = #50508A
default_utility_fgcolor = white
default_decision_bgcolor = #9A5050
default_decision_fgcolor = white
chance_shape = ellipse
utility_shape = hexagon
decision_shape = box
decision_arc_style = tapered, bold, dotted
utility_arc_style = dashed
default_id_size = 6
default_id_inference_size = 6
utility_visible_digits = 2
utility_show_stdev = True
utility_show_loss = False
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
histo_max_color = #BBFFAA
show_latent_names = False
latex_do_prefix = \text{do}(
latex_do_suffix = )
default_graph_size = 2.5
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_latent_bgcolor = #A08080
default_latent_fgcolor = black
draw_color = #008800
fill_color = #AAEEAA
show_latent_names = False
default_graph_size = 2.5
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_latent_bgcolor = #A08080
default_latent_fgcolor = black
default_graph_size = 5
default_line_size = 1.0
default_head_size = 0.25
default_arrow_type = normal
default_arc_cmap = Greens
default_arc_color = #4A4A4A
default_arc_style = solid
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_layout = fdp
default_overlap = 0
default_bar_capsize = 1.5
default_bar_height = 0.8
default_boot_histo_scale = 2.0
default_histo_scale = 1.0
correct_arc_style = solid
correct_arc_color = green
incorrect_arc_style = dashed
incorrect_arc_color = green
left_quantile = 0.2
right_quantile = 0.8
add_version = True
add_date = True
Using configuration
In [18]:
import pyAgrum.lib.notebook as gnb
| |
0.0956 | 0.1359 | 0.2205 | 0.5479 | |
0.4200 | 0.2845 | 0.2424 | 0.0531 |
In [19]:
| |
0.1 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.5 | |
0.4 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.1 |
In [20]:
gum.config['notebook', 'potential_color_0']="#AA00AA"
gum.config['notebook', 'potential_color_1']="#00FFAA"
| |
0.1 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.5 | |
0.4 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.1 |
In [21]:
gnb.flow.add(bn.cpt("B"),"Ugly float")
gnb.flow.add(bn.cpt("B"),"Ugly 1digit-float")
gum.config['notebook', 'potential_with_fraction']=True
gum.config['notebook', 'potential_fraction_with_latex']=False
gum.config['notebook', 'potential_fraction_limit']=2000
gnb.flow.add(bn.cpt("B"),"Simple fraction")
gum.config['notebook', 'potential_fraction_with_latex']=True
gnb.flow.add(bn.cpt("B"),"Sophisticated fraction with LaTeX")
| |
0.0956 | 0.1359 | 0.2205 | 0.5479 | |
0.4200 | 0.2845 | 0.2424 | 0.0531 |
| |
0.1 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.5 | |
0.4 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.1 |
| |
79/826 | 187/1376 | 73/331 | 709/1294 | |
633/1507 | 369/1297 | 127/524 | 79/1488 |
| |
$$\frac{79}{826}$$ | $$\frac{187}{1376}$$ | $$\frac{73}{331}$$ | $$\frac{709}{1294}$$ | |
$$\frac{633}{1507}$$ | $$\frac{369}{1297}$$ | $$\frac{127}{524}$$ | $$\frac{79}{1488}$$ |
In [22]:
In [23]:
In [24]:
In [25]:
Finding a specific property
In [26]:
#find anything containing arc
default_arc_color = #4A4A4A
default_arc_cmap = BuGn
decision_arc_style = tapered, bold, dotted
utility_arc_style = dashed
default_arc_cmap = Greens
default_arc_color = #4A4A4A
default_arc_style = solid
correct_arc_style = solid
correct_arc_color = green
incorrect_arc_style = dashed
incorrect_arc_color = green
In [27]:
#find anything containing default
default_maxnumberofthreads = 24
default_arc_color = #4A4A4A
default_node_bgcolor = yellow
default_node_fgcolor = red
default_node_cmap = Pastel1
default_arc_cmap = BuGn
default_edge_cmap = BuGn
default_graph_size = 1
default_graph_inference_size = 1
default_markovrandomfield_view = factorgraph
default_node_bgcolor = coral
default_node_fgcolor = black
default_factor_bgcolor = burlywood
default_graph_size = 6
default_graph_size = 6
default_chance_bgcolor = #808080
default_chance_fgcolor = white
default_utility_bgcolor = #50508A
default_utility_fgcolor = white
default_decision_bgcolor = #9A5050
default_decision_fgcolor = white
default_id_size = 6
default_id_inference_size = 6
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_graph_size = 2.5
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_latent_bgcolor = #A08080
default_latent_fgcolor = black
default_graph_size = 2.5
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_latent_bgcolor = #A08080
default_latent_fgcolor = black
default_graph_size = 5
default_line_size = 1.0
default_head_size = 0.25
default_arrow_type = normal
default_arc_cmap = Greens
default_arc_color = #4A4A4A
default_arc_style = solid
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_layout = fdp
default_overlap = 0
default_bar_capsize = 1.5
default_bar_height = 0.8
default_boot_histo_scale = 2.0
default_histo_scale = 1.0
In [28]:
# if a section contains the search, all its properties are shown
show_latent_names = False
latex_do_prefix = \text{do}(
latex_do_suffix = )
default_graph_size = 2.5
default_node_bgcolor = #404040
default_node_fgcolor = white
default_latent_bgcolor = #A08080
default_latent_fgcolor = black
Saving current configuration in pyagrum.ini
In [29]:
gum.config.reset() # back to defaults
gum.config['notebook','default_arc_color'] = "#AAAAAA"
gum.config['notebook','evidence_bgcolor'] = "green" # store curent changes
In [30]:
gum.config.reset() # back to defaults # store defaults back
From PyAgrumConfiguration to ConfigParser
In [31]:
from configparser import ConfigParser
gum.config['notebook','default_arc_color'] = "#AAAAAA"
gum.config['notebook','evidence_bgcolor'] = "green"