pyAgrum encloses all the learning processes for Bayesian network in a simple class BNLearner. This class gives access directly to the complete learning algorithm and theirs parameters (such as prior, scores, constraints, etc.) but also proposes low-level functions that eases the work on developping new learning algorithms (for instance, compute chi2 or conditioanl likelihood on the database, etc.).
(filename)¶ - Parameters:
- filename (str) – the file to learn from
- BNLearner(filename,src,parse_database=False) -> BNLearner
- Parameters:
- filename (str) – the file to learn from
- src (pyAgrum.BayesNet) – the Bayesian network used to find those modalities
- parse_database (bool) – if True, the modalities specified by the user will be considered as a superset of the modalities of the variables.
- BNLearner(learner) -> BNLearner
- Parameters:
- learner (pyAgrum.BNLearner) – the BNLearner to copy
(BNLearner self, str var1, str var2, Vector_string knw={})¶ G2 computes the G2 statistic and pvalue for two columns, given a list of other columns.
Parameters: - name1 (str) – the name of the first column
- name2 (str) – the name of the second column
- knowing ([str]) – the list of names of conditioning columns
Returns: the G2 statistic and the associated p-value as a Tuple
Return type: statistic,pvalue
(BNLearner self, Arc arc)¶ addForbiddenArc(BNLearner self, int tail, int head) addForbiddenArc(BNLearner self, str tail, str head)
The arc in parameters won’t be added.
Parameters: - arc (pyAgrum.Arc) – an arc
- head – a variable’s id (int)
- tail – a variable’s id (int)
- head – a variable’s name (str)
- tail – a variable’s name (str)
(BNLearner self, Arc arc)¶ addMandatoryArc(BNLearner self, int tail, int head) addMandatoryArc(BNLearner self, str tail, str head)
Allow to add prior structural knowledge.
Parameters: - arc (pyAgrum.Arc) – an arc
- head – a variable’s id (int)
- tail – a variable’s id (int)
- head – a variable’s name (str)
- tail – a variable’s name (str)
Raises: gum.InvalidDirectedCycle
– If the added arc creates a directed cycle in the DAG
(BNLearner self, Edge edge)¶ addPossibleEdge(BNLearner self, int tail, int head) addPossibleEdge(BNLearner self, str tail, str head)
(BNLearner self, str var1, str var2, Vector_string knw={})¶ chi2 computes the chi2 statistic and pvalue for two columns, given a list of other columns.
Parameters: - name1 (str) – the name of the first column
- name2 (str) – the name of the second column
- knowing ([str]) – the list of names of conditioning columns
Returns: the chi2 statistic and the associated p-value as a Tuple
Return type: statistic,pvalue
(BNLearner self)¶ Returns: get the current running time in second (double) Return type: double
(BNLearner self)¶
(BNLearner self)¶ Returns: the value of epsilon Return type: double
(BNLearner self, Arc arc)¶ eraseForbiddenArc(BNLearner self, int tail, int head) eraseForbiddenArc(BNLearner self, str tail, str head)
Allow the arc to be added if necessary.
Parameters: - arc (pyAgrum) – an arc
- head – a variable’s id (int)
- tail – a variable’s id (int)
- head – a variable’s name (str)
- tail – a variable’s name (str)
(BNLearner self, Arc arc)¶ eraseMandatoryArc(BNLearner self, int tail, int head) eraseMandatoryArc(BNLearner self, str tail, str head)
Parameters: - arc (pyAgrum) – an arc
- head – a variable’s id (int)
- tail – a variable’s id (int)
- head – a variable’s name (str)
- tail – a variable’s name (str)
(BNLearner self, Edge edge)¶ erasePossibleEdge(BNLearner self, int tail, int head) erasePossibleEdge(BNLearner self, str tail, str head)
Allow the 2 arcs to be added if necessary.
Parameters: - arc (pyAgrum) – an arc
- head – a variable’s id (int)
- tail – a variable’s id (int)
- head – a variable’s name (str)
- tail – a variable’s name (str)
(BNLearner self)¶ Indicates whether there are missing values in the database.
Returns: True if there are some missing values in the database. Return type: bool
(BNLearner self)¶ Returns: the scheme history Return type: tuple Raises: gum.OperationNotAllowed
– If the scheme did not performed or if verbosity is set to false
(BNLearner self, str var_name)¶ Parameters: var_names (str) – a variable’s name Returns: the column id corresponding to a variable name Return type: int Raises: gum.MissingVariableInDatabase
– If a variable of the BN is not found in the database.
(BNLearner self)¶ latentVariables(BNLearner self) -> vector< pyAgrum.Arc,allocator< pyAgrum.Arc > > const
learner must be using 3off2 or MIIC algorithm
Returns: the list of latent variables Return type: list
(BNLearner self)¶ learn a BayesNet from a file (must have read the db before)
Returns: the learned BayesNet Return type: pyAgrum.BayesNet
(BNLearner self)¶ learn a structure from a file
Returns: the learned DAG Return type: pyAgrum.DAG
(BNLearner self)¶ Warning
learner must be using 3off2 or MIIC algorithm
Returns: the learned structure as an EssentialGraph Return type: pyAgrum.EssentialGraph
(BNLearner self, DAG dag, bool take_into_account_score=True)¶ learnParameters(BNLearner self, bool take_into_account_score=True) -> BayesNet
learns a BN (its parameters) when its structure is known.
Parameters: - dag (pyAgrum.DAG) –
- bn (pyAgrum.BayesNet) –
- take_into_account_score (bool) – The dag passed in argument may have been learnt from a structure learning. In this case, if the score used to learn the structure has an implicit apriori (like K2 which has a 1-smoothing apriori), it is important to also take into account this implicit apriori for parameter learning. By default, if a score exists, we will learn parameters by taking into account the apriori specified by methods useAprioriXXX () + the implicit apriori of the score, else we just take into account the apriori specified by useAprioriXXX ()
Returns: the learned BayesNet
Return type: Raises: gum.MissingVariableInDatabase
– If a variable of the BN is not found in the databasegum.UnknownLabelInDatabase
– If a label is found in the database that do not correspond to the variable
(BNLearner self, vector< int, allocator< int > > vars, vector< int, allocator< int > > knowing={})¶ logLikelihood(BNLearner self, vector< int,allocator< int > > vars) -> double logLikelihood(BNLearner self, Vector_string vars, Vector_string knowing={}) -> double logLikelihood(BNLearner self, Vector_string vars) -> double
logLikelihood computes the log-likelihood for the columns in vars, given the columns in the list knowing (optional)
Parameters: - vars (List[str]) – the name of the columns of interest
- knowing (List[str]) – the (optional) list of names of conditioning columns
Returns: the log-likelihood (base 2)
Return type: double
(BNLearner self)¶ Returns: the criterion on number of iterations Return type: int
(BNLearner self)¶ Returns: the timeout(in seconds) Return type: double
(BNLearner self)¶ Returns: the approximation scheme message Return type: str
(BNLearner self)¶ Returns: the value of the minimal epsilon rate Return type: double
(BNLearner self, int id)¶ Parameters: id – a node id Returns: the variable’s name Return type: str
(BNLearner self)¶ Returns: the names of the variables in the database Return type: List[str]
(BNLearner self)¶ Return the nimber of columns in the database
Returns: the number of columns in the database Return type: int
(BNLearner self)¶ Return the number of row in the database
Returns: the number of rows in the database Return type: int
(BNLearner self)¶ Returns: the number of iterations Return type: int
(BNLearner self)¶ Returns: the number of samples between 2 stopping Return type: int Raises: gum.OutOfLowerBound
– If p<1
(BNLearner self, size_t i)¶
(weight)¶ Deprecated methods in BNLearner for pyAgrum>0.14.0
(BNLearner self, double new_weight)¶ Set the database weight.
Parameters: weight (double) – the database weight
(BNLearner self, double eps)¶ Parameters: eps (double) – the epsilon we want to use Raises: gum.OutOfLowerBound
– If eps<0
(BNLearner self, DAG g)¶ Parameters: dag (pyAgrum.DAG) – an initial DAG structure
(BNLearner self, int max_indegree)¶
(BNLearner self, int max)¶ Parameters: max (int) – the maximum number of iteration Raises: gum.OutOfLowerBound
– If max <= 1
(BNLearner self, double timeout)¶ Parameters: tiemout (double) – stopping criterion on timeout (in seconds) Raises: gum.OutOfLowerBound
– If timeout<=0.0
(BNLearner self, double rate)¶ Parameters: rate (double) – the minimal epsilon rate
(BNLearner self, int p)¶ Parameters: p (int) – number of samples between 2 stopping Raises: gum.OutOfLowerBound
– If p<1
(BNLearner self, UndiGraph skeleton)¶
(BNLearner self, size_t i, double weight)¶
(BNLearner self, PyObject * l)¶ setSliceOrder(BNLearner self, pyAgrum.NodeProperty< int > slice_order) setSliceOrder(BNLearner self, vector< vector< str,allocator< str > >,allocator< vector< str,allocator< str > > > > slices)
Set a partial order on the nodes.
Parameters: l (list) – a list of sequences (composed of ids of rows or string)
(BNLearner self, bool v)¶ Parameters: v (bool) – verbosity
(BNLearner self)¶ Indicate that we wish to use 3off2.
(BNLearner self, double weight=1)¶ useAprioriBDeu(BNLearner self)
The BDeu apriori adds weight to all the cells of the counting tables. In other words, it adds weight rows in the database with equally probable values.
Parameters: weight (double) – the apriori weight
(BNLearner self, str filename, double weight=1)¶ useAprioriDirichlet(BNLearner self, str filename)
(BNLearner self, double weight=1)¶ useAprioriSmoothing(BNLearner self)
(BNLearner self, double epsilon)¶ Indicates if we use EM for parameter learning.
Parameters: epsilon (double) – if epsilon=0.0 then EM is not used if epsilon>0 then EM is used and stops when the sum of the cumulative squared error on parameters is les than epsilon.
(BNLearner self)¶
(BNLearner self, PyObject * l)¶ useK2(BNLearner self, pyAgrum.Sequence< int > order) useK2(BNLearner self, vector< int,allocator< int > > order)
Indicate that we wish to use K2.
Parameters: order (list) – a list of ids
(BNLearner self, int tabu_size=100, int nb_decrease=2)¶ useLocalSearchWithTabuList(BNLearner self, int tabu_size=100) useLocalSearchWithTabuList(BNLearner self)
Indicate that we wish to use a local search with tabu list
Parameters: - tabu_size (int) – The size of the tabu list
- nb_decrease (int) – The max number of changes decreasing the score consecutively that we allow to apply
(BNLearner self)¶ Indicate that we wish to use the MDL correction for 3off2 or MIIC
(BNLearner self)¶ Indicate that we wish to use MIIC.
(BNLearner self)¶ Indicate that we wish to use the NML correction for 3off2 or MIIC
(BNLearner self)¶
(BNLearner self)¶ Indicate that we wish to use the NoCorr correction for 3off2 or MIIC
(BNLearner self)¶
(BNLearner self)¶
(BNLearner self)¶
(BNLearner self)¶
(BNLearner self)¶
(BNLearner self)¶
(BNLearner self)¶ Returns: True if the verbosity is enabled Return type: bool