Random Variables

aGrUM/pyAgrum is currently dedicated for discrete probability distributions.

There are 3 types of discrete random variables in aGrUM/pyAgrum: LabelizedVariable, DiscretizedVariable and RangeVariable. The 3 types are mainly provided in order to ease modelization. Derived from DiscreteVariable, they share a common API. They essentially differ by the means to create, name and access to their modalities.

Common API for Random Discrete Variables

class pyAgrum.DiscreteVariable(*args, **kwargs)

DiscreteVariable is the base class for discrete random variables.

DiscreteVariable(aName, aDesc=’‘) -> DiscreteVariable
  • aName (str) – the name of the variable
  • aDesc (str) – the (optional) description of the variable
DiscreteVariable(aDRV) -> DiscreteVariable
  • aDRV (pyAgrum.DiscreteVariable) – the pyAgrum.DiscreteVariable that will be copied
description(Variable self)
Returns:the description of the variable
Return type:str
domain(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:the domain of the variable
Return type:str
domainSize(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:the number of modalities in the variable domain
Return type:int
empty(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:True if the domain size < 2
Return type:bool
index(DiscreteVariable self, str label)
Parameters:label (str) – a label
Returns:the indice of the label
Return type:int
label(DiscreteVariable self, int i)
Parameters:i (int) – the index of the label we wish to return
Returns:the indice-th label
Return type:str
Raises:gum.OutOfBound – If the variable does not contain the label
labels(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:a tuple containing the labels
Return type:tuple
name(Variable self)
Returns:the name of the variable
Return type:str
numerical(DiscreteVariable self, int indice)
Parameters:indice (int) – an index
Returns:the numerical representation of the indice-th value
Return type:float
setDescription(Variable self, str theValue)

set the description of the variable.

Parameters:theValue (str) – the new description of the variable
setName(Variable self, str theValue)

sets the name of the variable.

Parameters:theValue (str) – the new description of the variable
toDiscretizedVar(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:the discretized variable
Return type:pyAgrum.DiscretizedVariable
Raises:gum.RuntimeError – If the variable is not a DiscretizedVariable
toLabelizedVar(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:the labelized variable
Return type:pyAgrum.LabelizedVariable
Raises:gum.RuntimeError – If the variable is not a LabelizedVariable
toRangeVar(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:the range variable
Return type:pyAgrum.RangeVariable
Raises:gum.RuntimeError – If the variable is not a RangeVariable
toStringWithDescription(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:a description of the variable
Return type:str
varType(DiscreteVariable self)

returns the type of variable

Returns:the type of the variable, 0: DiscretizedVariable, 1: LabelizedVariable, 2: RangeVariable
Return type:int

Concrete classes for Random Discrete Variables


class pyAgrum.LabelizedVariable(*args)

LabelizedVariable is a discrete random variable with a customizable sequence of labels.

LabelizedVariable(aName, aDesc=’‘, nbrLabel=2) -> LabelizedVariable
  • aName (str) – the name of the variable
  • aDesc (str) – the (optional) description of the variable
  • nbrLabel (int) – the number of labels to create (2 by default)
LabelizedVariable(aLDRV) -> LabelizedVariable
  • aLDRV (pyAgrum.LabelizedVariable) – The pyAgrum.LabelizedVariable that will be copied


>>> import pyAgrum as gum
>>> # creating a variable with 3 labels : '0', '1' and '2'
>>> va=gum.LabelizedVariable('a','a labelized variable',3)
>>> print(va)
>>> ## a<0,1,2>
>>> va.addLabel('foo')
>>> print(va)
>>> ## a<0,1,2,foo>
>>> va.chgLabel(1,'bar')
>>> print(va)
>>> a<0,bar,2,foo>
>>> vb=gum.LabelizedVariable('b','b',0).addLabel('A').addLabel('B').addLabel('C')
>>> print(vb)
>>> ## b<A,B,C>
>>> vb.labels()
>>> ## ('A', 'B', 'C')
>>> vb.isLabel('E')
>>> ## False
>>> vb.label(2)
>>> ## 'B'

Add a label with a new index (we assume that we will NEVER remove a label).

Parameters:aLabel (str) – the label to be added to the labelized variable
Returns:the labelized variable
Return type:pyAgrum.LabelizedVariable
Raises:gum.DuplicateElement – If the variable already contains the label
changeLabel(LabelizedVariable self, int pos, str aLabel)

Change the label at the specified index

  • pos (int) – the index of the label to be changed
  • aLabel (str) – the label to be added to the labelized variable
  • gum.DuplicatedElement – If the variable already contains the new label
  • gum.OutOfBounds – If the index is greater than the size of the variable
description(Variable self)
Returns:the description of the variable
Return type:str
domain(LabelizedVariable self)
Returns:the domain of the variable as a string
Return type:str
domainSize(LabelizedVariable self)
Returns:the number of modalities in the variable domain
Return type:int
empty(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:True if the domain size < 2
Return type:bool
eraseLabels(LabelizedVariable self)

Erase all the labels from the variable.

index(LabelizedVariable self, str label)
Parameters:label (str) – a label
Returns:the indice of the label
Return type:int
isLabel(LabelizedVariable self, str aLabel)

Indicates whether the variable already has the label passed in argument

Parameters:aLabel (str) – the label to be tested
Returns:True if the label already exists
Return type:bool
label(LabelizedVariable self, int i)
Parameters:i (int) – the index of the label we wish to return
Returns:the indice-th label
Return type:str
Raises:gum.OutOfBound – If the variable does not contain the label
labels(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:a tuple containing the labels
Return type:tuple
name(Variable self)
Returns:the name of the variable
Return type:str
numerical(LabelizedVariable self, int indice)
Parameters:indice (int) – an index
Returns:the numerical representation of the indice-th value
Return type:float
posLabel(LabelizedVariable self, str label)
setDescription(Variable self, str theValue)

set the description of the variable.

Parameters:theValue (str) – the new description of the variable
setName(Variable self, str theValue)

sets the name of the variable.

Parameters:theValue (str) – the new description of the variable
toDiscretizedVar(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:the discretized variable
Return type:pyAgrum.DiscretizedVariable
Raises:gum.RuntimeError – If the variable is not a DiscretizedVariable
toLabelizedVar(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:the labelized variable
Return type:pyAgrum.LabelizedVariable
Raises:gum.RuntimeError – If the variable is not a LabelizedVariable
toRangeVar(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:the range variable
Return type:pyAgrum.RangeVariable
Raises:gum.RuntimeError – If the variable is not a RangeVariable
toStringWithDescription(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:a description of the variable
Return type:str
varType(LabelizedVariable self)

returns the type of variable

Returns:the type of the variable, 0: DiscretizedVariable, 1: LabelizedVariable, 2: RangeVariable
Return type:int


class pyAgrum.DiscretizedVariable(*args)

DiscretizedVariable is a discrete random variable with a set of ticks defining intervalls.

DiscretizedVariable(aName, aDesc=’‘) -> DiscretizedVariable`
  • aName (str) – the name of the variable
  • aDesc (str) – the (optional) description of the variable
DiscretizedVariable(aDDRV) -> DiscretizedVariable
  • aDDRV (pyAgrum.DiscretizedVariable) – the pyAgrum.DiscretizedVariable that will be copied


>>> import pyAgrum as gum
>>> vX=gum.DiscretizedVariable('X','X has been discretized')
>>> vX.addTick(1).addTick(2).addTick(3).addTick(3.1415) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> ## <pyAgrum.DiscretizedVariable;...>
>>> print(vX)
>>> ## X<[1;2[,[2;3[,[3;3.1415]>
>>> vX.isTick(4)
>>> ## False
>>> vX.labels()
>>> ## ('[1;2[', '[2;3[', '[3;3.1415]')
>>> # where is the real value 2.5 ?
>>> vX.index('2.5')
>>> ## 1
Parameters:aTick (double) – the Tick to be added
Returns:the discretized variable
Return type:pyAgrum.DiscretizedVariable
Raises:gum.DefaultInLabel – If the tick is already defined
description(Variable self)
Returns:the description of the variable
Return type:str
domain(DiscretizedVariable self)
Returns:the domain of the variable as a string
Return type:str
domainSize(DiscretizedVariable self)
Returns:the number of modalities in the variable domain
Return type:int
empty(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:True if the domain size < 2
Return type:bool
eraseTicks(DiscretizedVariable self)

erase all the Ticks

index(DiscretizedVariable self, str label)
Parameters:label (str) – a label
Returns:the indice of the label
Return type:int
isTick(DiscretizedVariable self, double aTick)
Parameters:aTick (double) – the Tick to be tested
Returns:True if the Tick already exists
Return type:bool
label(DiscretizedVariable self, int i)
Parameters:i (int) – the index of the label we wish to return
Returns:the indice-th label
Return type:str
Raises:gum.OutOfBound – If the variable does not contain the label
labels(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:a tuple containing the labels
Return type:tuple
name(Variable self)
Returns:the name of the variable
Return type:str
numerical(DiscretizedVariable self, int indice)
Parameters:indice (int) – an index
Returns:the numerical representation of the indice-th value
Return type:float
setDescription(Variable self, str theValue)

set the description of the variable.

Parameters:theValue (str) – the new description of the variable
setName(Variable self, str theValue)

sets the name of the variable.

Parameters:theValue (str) – the new description of the variable
tick(DiscretizedVariable self, int i)

Indicate the index of the Tick

Parameters:i (int) – the index of the Tick
Returns:aTick – the index-th Tick
Return type:double
Raises:gum.NotFound – If the index is greater than the number of Ticks
ticks(DiscretizedVariable self)
Returns:a tuple containing all the Ticks
Return type:tuple
toDiscretizedVar(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:the discretized variable
Return type:pyAgrum.DiscretizedVariable
Raises:gum.RuntimeError – If the variable is not a DiscretizedVariable
toLabelizedVar(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:the labelized variable
Return type:pyAgrum.LabelizedVariable
Raises:gum.RuntimeError – If the variable is not a LabelizedVariable
toRangeVar(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:the range variable
Return type:pyAgrum.RangeVariable
Raises:gum.RuntimeError – If the variable is not a RangeVariable
toStringWithDescription(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:a description of the variable
Return type:str
varType(DiscretizedVariable self)

returns the type of variable

Returns:the type of the variable, 0: DiscretizedVariable, 1: LabelizedVariable, 2: RangeVariable
Return type:int


class pyAgrum.RangeVariable(*args)

RangeVariable represents a variable with a range of integers as domain.

RangeVariable(aName, aDesc,minVal, maxVal) -> RangeVariable
  • aName (str) – the name of the variable
  • aDesc (str) – the description of the variable
  • minVal (int) – the minimal integer of the interval
  • maxVal (int) – the maximal integer of the interval
RangeVariable(aName, aDesc=’‘) -> RangeVariable
  • aName (str) – the name of the variable
  • aDesc (str) – the description of the variable

By default minVal=0 and maxVal=1

RangeVariable(aRV) -> RangeVariable
  • aDV (RangeVariable) – the pyAgrum.RangeVariable that will be copied


>>> import pyAgrum as gum
>>> vI=gum.gum.RangeVariable('I','I in [4,10]',4,10)
>>> print(vI)
>>> ## I[4-10]
>>> vX.maxVal()
>>> ## 10
>>> vX.belongs(1)
>>> ## False
>>> # where is the value 5 ?
>>> vX.index('5')
>>> ## 1
>>> vi.labels()
>>> ## ('4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10')
belongs(RangeVariable self, long val)
Parameters:val (long) – the value to be tested
Returns:True if the value in parameters belongs to the variable’s interval.
Return type:bool
description(Variable self)
Returns:the description of the variable
Return type:str
domain(RangeVariable self)
Returns:the domain of the variable
Return type:str
domainSize(RangeVariable self)
Returns:the number of modalities in the variable domain
Return type:int
empty(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:True if the domain size < 2
Return type:bool
index(RangeVariable self, str arg2)
Parameters:arg2 (str) – a label
Returns:the indice of the label
Return type:int
label(RangeVariable self, int indice)
Parameters:indice (int) – the index of the label we wish to return
Returns:the indice-th label
Return type:str
Raises:gum.OutOfBound – If the variable does not contain the label
labels(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:a tuple containing the labels
Return type:tuple
maxVal(RangeVariable self)
Returns:the upper bound of the variable.
Return type:long
minVal(RangeVariable self)
Returns:the lower bound of the variable
Return type:long
name(Variable self)
Returns:the name of the variable
Return type:str
numerical(RangeVariable self, int indice)
Parameters:indice (int) – an index
Returns:the numerical representation of the indice-th value
Return type:float
setDescription(Variable self, str theValue)

set the description of the variable.

Parameters:theValue (str) – the new description of the variable
setMaxVal(RangeVariable self, long maxVal)

Set a new value of the upper bound

Parameters:maxVal (long) – The new value of the upper bound


An error should be raised if the value is lower than the lower bound.

setMinVal(RangeVariable self, long minVal)

Set a new value of the lower bound

Parameters:minVal (long) – The new value of the lower bound


An error should be raised if the value is higher than the upper bound.

setName(Variable self, str theValue)

sets the name of the variable.

Parameters:theValue (str) – the new description of the variable
toDiscretizedVar(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:the discretized variable
Return type:pyAgrum.DiscretizedVariable
Raises:gum.RuntimeError – If the variable is not a DiscretizedVariable
toLabelizedVar(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:the labelized variable
Return type:pyAgrum.LabelizedVariable
Raises:gum.RuntimeError – If the variable is not a LabelizedVariable
toRangeVar(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:the range variable
Return type:pyAgrum.RangeVariable
Raises:gum.RuntimeError – If the variable is not a RangeVariable
toStringWithDescription(DiscreteVariable self)
Returns:a description of the variable
Return type:str
varType(RangeVariable self)

returns the type of variable

Returns:the type of the variable, 0: DiscretizedVariable, 1: LabelizedVariable, 2: RangeVariable
Return type:int